America’s Smallest Schools, a new study shows that there is a relationship between parental involvement and children’s school success but policy analysts are using the results as a call for increased federal funding of education. “We need a revolution in this nation,” said Marc Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League.
“If we are serious about raising achievement levels, we need to focus on the starting line as much as we do with the finishing line,” Kurt Landgraf, President of the Education Testing Service said. “Poor and minority families struggle with daily needs.”
“This affects the kids’ school achievement.” One-quarter of U.S. parents reported not having books and magazines, at home.
“To design programs that can work, such as after-school programs, we need an investment in education,” Dr. Isabel Sawmill pointed out.
Heyecan Veziroglu is an intern at the American Journalism Center, a training program run jointly by Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia.