Ann Coulter Cancels Speech at Berkeley after Threats of Protests
Ann Coulter, a controversial conservative commentator, withdrew from her speaking engagement at the University of California-Berkeley after her on-campus sponsors withdrew their sponsorship after threats of violent protests emerged:
[Coulter] had threatened to show up on campus Thursday, rejecting UC-Berkeley’s offerfor her to speak May 2 during “dead week” when many students aren’t on campus.
The Berkeley College Republicans and Young America’s Foundation, which filed suit Monday to force the university to honor the April 27 date for Coulter’s speech, ended up pulling their support for her appearance out of safety concerns.
In a series of tweets Wednesday, Coulter said free speech had been “crushed by thugs” and called the canceled speech “a dark day for free speech in America.” She also thanked liberal pundits including Bill Maher for “opposing Berkeley’s censorship.”