Articles By: Accuracy in Academia

Obamanomics & Pizza


Date: TBA – 6 – 8 PM
Armand’s Pizzeria
226 Massachusetts Ave

Author Tim Carney discusses his latest book, Obamanomics: How Barack Obama is Bankrupting You and Enriching his Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses.

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Voodoo Economics & Free Pizza


February 25, 2010 – 6 – 8 PM
Armand’s Pizzeria
226 Massachusetts Ave

Author M. Stanton Evans will discuss Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying by the late Christopher T. Warden at the next Accuracy in Academia author’s night on February 25, 2010. Evans wrote the forward to the book, published by AIA, which he also inspired. RSVP on Facebook.

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