A former fact-checker at the New Yorker will be teaching a journalism course on the far-right. However, this journalist resigned after falsely accusing a government agent of being a white supremacist.
A fellow at the University of California-Berkeley wrote an essay that took issue with the university’s censorship of his writing and research. Ironically, he is a fellow at the university’s free speech center.
The marketing campaign for the University of Wyoming was a resounding financial success, contrary to the complaints of some professors who said the phrase, “The World Needs More Cowboys,” was sexist.
Some employees at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign complained that they do not like government jobs posted from the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) agency.
A transgender professor at the College of Charleston criticized a lesbian former tennis player for comments on how transgender individuals should not participate in women’s sports competitions.
Students and faculty at Pitzer College voted to stop a study-abroad program in Israel, but the college president announced his opposition to the move to stop the program.