Joe Biden compared due process advocates to neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville because of the Trump administration’s recent challenges to Obama administration policies.
Melissa Click, the former University of Missouri communications professor who became famous for aggressively confronting a student reporter at a protest, is now working at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington.
Students at UNC-Chapel Hill claimed that the Silent Sam statue, a statue commemorating alumni who served in the Confederate army, violated the Civil Rights Act for creating a hostile environment.
Tailgating at Ole Miss football games is anti-minority, claimed an Ole Miss student, citing the presence of Confederate battle flags brought by tailgaters.
Students at Cal-Berkeley want to rename buildings because they’re offended, and the administration is not moving quickly to comply with the students’ demands.
Scholar Charles Murray was called a “white nationalist” by Harvard students, who do not agree with the premise of his 1994 book on nature-vs.-nurture in ethnic groups.