“Thirty-year-old men graduating from the University of California system have a 38-percent chance of financial distress, and women have a 55-percent chance.”—Chronicle of Higher Education, November 15, 2013.
“Buried in all the hype about MOOCs is a somewhat surprising admission by some of the world’s leading universities—that their teaching methods may not be very good.”—Jeffrey Young, The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 15, 2013.
“Although the outcome was a happy one, there is much to dislike about the process by which it was achieved.”—Stanford Law professor Deborah L. Rhode on the U. S. Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision.
I cannot, however, teach them grammar and proofreading in the course of a semester when their high-school educations have been shoddy—Aaron Barlow, New York City College of Technology, English, Faculty Member