Articles by Allie Winegar Duzett

Faculty Lounge

Crackdown on For-Profit Schools

Last week, U. S. Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on for-profit institutions.

Faculty Lounge

Charter School Support Increasing

Last week, the United States Department of Education awarded $50,000,000 to the Charter School Grant Program, to “replicate and expand” high-achieving public charter schools.


School Czar’s Permanent Record

While has 108 stories on the White House-gate-crashing Salahis, the site only features one story on the “Safe Schools Czar” of the Obama administration, Kevin Jennings.


Global Warming Peer Reviewed

Lord Christopher Monckton is known for many things. He was a science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, and in recent years he developed the famous Eternity puzzle.  But most currently, Lord Monckton has been making waves with his many arguments against alleged global warming.


Rehnquist’s Portrait

William Rehnquist was by all accounts a fascinating man. His work in the judiciary was unparalleled: he served on the Supreme Court as a justice for over three decades, and led the court as Chief Justice for nineteen years.


The God Concept

Some cognitivists out there claim that the “God Concept” comes naturally to children.  In their worldview, children come up with the concept of God to explain away things that just don’t make sense to their underdeveloped minds.


Fatherhood and Religion

“Children benefit when fathers are involved in family life; religion encourages men to be more involved in family life,” Dr. Richard Petts said at a recent Heritage Foundation conference.


Viewing Progressivism With Perspective

“To see what is truly afoot,” the Heritage Foundation’s Matthew Spalding recently argued, current events need to be looked at with “perspective.


Schooled On Constitutionalism

America today is facing what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) called a tipping point: if President Obama’s socialist agenda is implemented, America will be on the path to total statist takeover.