Articles By: Bethany Stotts

Freedom Federation Takes Flight


A coalition of national groups committed to Judeo-Christian values launched the Freedom Federation on June 30, 2009 with the goal of promoting freedom and representing Christian perspectives on national issues such as abortion, health care, and hate crimes legislation.

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Liberty in Real Time


Is living as a Christian and voting for a Democrat an irreconcilable combination? The media coverage surrounding Liberty University’s decision to de-recognize their College Democrats chapter has cast the school as promoting such a philosophy.

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Saving Monuments from the ACLU


Schools, parks and courthouses aren’t the only places hit by separation of church and state lawsuits. Several veterans groups recently argued that a case coming before the Supreme Court this fall could help determine the fate of veterans’ memorials around the country.

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DC Vouchers Rhee-Visited


On May 5, D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee told a symposium on innovation in education that she doesn’t care whether education providers earn a profit if they are effective, but when questioned about innovative programs in the District which needed funding, she left out the DC voucher program.

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