Articles By: Bethany Stotts

UMass Protests Free Speech


Don Feder was invited to UMass to speak on the issue of hate crime legislation for a lecture entitled, “Hate Crimes: It’s Not What You Think.” However, if members of the UMass Coalition Against Hate are to be believed, those who purvey hate on campus shouldn’t be allowed to speak.

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Left-Wing Violence Exposed


A new extension of the 1960’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) has become more and more active on campuses since its resurrection in 2006. However, the “new” SDS, which is funded by the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), is influenced by many of the same 60s radicals who led the Weather Underground.

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Poverty of Ideas


President Obama recently outlined four areas he would like the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to focus on: poverty, fatherhood, abortion reduction, and interfaith dialogue.

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Same To You Buddy


“Ask God what your grade is.” These are among the words found on a teacher evaluation form stuffed in Jonathan Lopez’ backpack last November following his in-class presentation on God and miracles.

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