Articles By: Bethany Stotts

Reading Between the Studies


David Kipen, representing the National Endowment for the Arts, travelled to this year’s Modern Language Association Convention to promote The Big Read, a NEA program which combats declining reading habits by enlisting members of the community to read a piece of literature simultaneously

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Stimulated Economists


Just as Professors and Economists banded together to express their dismay at the economic demerits of the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funding, so too many academics and economists are concerns that the pending stimulus bill, H.R. 1, focuses on Keynesian spending that will expand the national debt without actually stimulating the economy.

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The Wondering Wanderer


Members of the Ivory Tower, some of whom remain ardent Marxists themselves, maintain that McCarthyite “hysteria” suppressed free expression in the 1950s and led to the unjustified blacklisting of those with socialist sentiments.

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Red Badge of Courage


Just as students sporting t-shirts of Che Guevara are often ignorant of his bloody revolutionary record, so too it seems that champions of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade suffer from a peculiar form of “historical amnesia” promoted by academics and activists alike.

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