Articles By: Bethany Stotts

Committee on Anti-Liebermanisms


Readers of this publication might not be surprised to find that some academics didn’t take too well to Independent Senator Joe Lieberman’s (Conn.) decision to campaign on behalf of the Republican candidate this year. Even after Barack Obama’s election success, some professors feel the need to continue to vent their distaste for Lieberman.

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Unhealthy Obsessions


In the light of John Podesta’s position as one of Barack Obama’s top three transition team leaders and the central role the Center for American Progress (CAP) is likely to have in molding the next administration’s policies, some might ask what this think-tank’s influential position will mean for the War on Terror.

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New Deal Stacked Again


On December 15, thirty prominent academic associations lobbied Congress for the inclusion of funds for schools in the upcoming economic stimulus bill, adding higher education to other industries looking for federal aid in the midst of the economic turndown.

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Academics Laud Drug Use


Six academics and Philip Campbell, the editor-in-chief of Nature Magazine, recently argued that society should move “towards the responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy,” particularly drugs typically used in the treatment of ADHD.

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