Articles By: Bethany Stotts

CUFI on Campus


Pastor John Hagee, founder of the pro-Israel lobbying group, Christians United For Israel, expressed his own concern about the obstacles facing pro-Israel students on campus at this year’s CUFI summit.

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Freudian Falloff


Are Freudian analyses of the human mind becoming a thing of the past? A new study released this month finds that psychiatric practices are increasingly opting for medical therapies over the traditional “couch talks” that once symbolized this mental health profession.

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Historical Progress?


Despite what Americans have been hearing about the nation’s poor civics literacy, renowned education reformer Diane Ravitch suggests that, on historical subjects at least, civics education may have made “some headway.”

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Gadfly or Watchdog?


Surprisingly, my recent article on the subject raised complaints not from Dr. Schatzberg, but from Dr. Bernard Carroll and UCLA Professor Dr. Robert Rubin—two doctors who confronted Dr. Schatzberg for his shoddy science and conflicts-of-interest in 2004.

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