Commencement is usually a time when the speaker gives encouragement to the college graduates as they head off into the work force and pursue their life dreams. But NBC’s Today Show anchor Ann Curry, this year’s Wheaton College commencement speaker, gave mixed signals, making an embarrassing mistake during her speech.
Alleging waste and a “transfer tax” in higher education, Peter P. Smith argues in the most recent Education Outlook that America should establish a “National, ‘Student-Facing’ Course Database and Transfer Information System” for postsecondary transfer students, and “Automate” the “Processing and Evaluation of Transfer Credits” in order to decrease the number of students who get sidetracked from graduating.
Discussing President Obama’s goal that America would “once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world,” an Education Department official recently argued that increased funding for minority-serving institutions—and historically-black colleges and universities, in particular—was the key to increasing the number of American graduates.