Articles by Bethany Stotts

Faculty Lounge

Ayers Reconsidered

The 2008 elections are over, but former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers is not likely to be out of the limelight anytime soon.


Bankrupt Hope & Change

A University of Wisconsin-Madison student gave his interpretation of young voters’ expectations for health care reform at a recent press conference organized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office.


Revisionist Health Care History

After the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Senate health care bill Sunday night, President Obama argued that the vote represented “another stone firmly laid in the foundation of the American Dream.”

Faculty Lounge

Chicago Way Education

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan may have left Chicago, but the politics of his former position as the CEO of Chicago Public Schools continues to follow him to D.C.


Baby It’s Cold Outside

Academics and climatologists are on the defensive about the ClimateGate scandal and errors in UN-sponsored research, especially amid a public growing more skeptical of climate change news hype.


As The Third World Turns

Public schools are often seen as indoctrination centers due to high-profile incidents such as Diatha Harris’ in-class criticism of the Iraq war and the many examples of students praising President Obama at the behest of their teachers.

Faculty Lounge

Evolution Echo

Creationism is often seen as a non-scientific theory in academia and among their liberal press counterparts, so it is not surprising that a recent Associated Press article takes aim at two homeschooling textbooks. But, for all the talk about home-schooled evangelicals and religious-themed textbooks, the reporter doesn’t let the audience into the true motivations of the academics he quotes.

Faculty Lounge

Ivory Tower Conundrum

Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said that “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.” But some in the ivory tower would prefer that the sunlight of transparency not shine too brightly into the classroom.


Evaluating Higher Ed Transparency

How much will my education cost? Is it a good value for me and my family? Will I be able to get a job when I graduate? These questions and others are often at the forefront of parents’ and prospective students’ minds when picking a college or university, but a new study calls into question whether higher ed institutions who voluntarily reveal information about themselves are providing misleading information to consumers.

Faculty Lounge

Starr Critiques “Al Qaeda 7” Ad

My column today deals with media coverage of the Keep America Safe “Who are the Al Qaeda 7?” ad and the Yemen connections between the Little Rock, Fort Hood and Christmas Day attacks. For an alternate perspective, Pepperdine University’s Ken Starr recently appeared on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown (with a guest host).


Al Qaeda, Gitmo & National Security

Are the Obama Administration’s actions putting Americans at increased risk of a terrorist attack? Keep America Safe and its board members argue that it is.

Faculty Lounge

Another Use For Reconciliation

While the Obama Administration and Democratic Congressional leadership consider using reconciliation as a means to pass their health care bill, multiple sources suggest that this procedure could also be used to push through the student loan bill in conjunction with ObamaCare.