Articles by Deborah Lambert


Twitter U

Is Twitter the future of education? If you’re Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Penn State, University Park, you might be in the “yes” column.


Roadkill on the Information Superhighway

Charlotte Allen reminded readers on that when you hear the words “for the 21st century” in conjunction with an educational topic, “you know it’s time to run for cover.”

College Prep

Rhee Revised

Michelle Rhee, the highly praised/beleaguered Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public school system, is facing another hurdle.


Harvard MBAs Fail Test

It might pay to check the roster of financial failures and match them up with their alma maters.

The name that keeps coming up over and over is—Harvard.


An Alternative Science Fair

A group of second and third graders in Kitsap County, Washington recently spent several hours outside at a local park and recreation area, counting piles of dog waste as part of their science curriculum.


Flirtmeister, 101

In Germany it appears that all work and no play still makes Hans a dull boy. That’s why German IT engineering students at the U. of Potsdam are leaving nothing to chance. Over 400 of them have signed up for a two-week course on the art of flirting.


Illegally Blond

Say it isn’t so. Are a couple of teenage girls about to be kicked out of school for being “too blond?”


Cooperative Chaos

If students’ heads are being filled with mush these days, there’s a reason. In fact, there are many.


The Bill Ayers Diet

While today’s teaching methods have certainly not improved students’ standardized test scores, tomorrow’s students may shock and surprise everyone with their knowledge about the politics of obesity.


The Obama Effect

Apparently President Obama’s success may not only raise human spirits but students’ grade point averages as well.


Is U-Chi Free to Choose?

When word surfaced at the U. of Chicago that a new institute would be named in honor of Dr. Milton Friedman, it sparked some controversial opinions.