On Friday the NSBA’s Council of Urban Boards of Education kicked off its meeting in San Francisco with an address by 1960’s civil rights activist and emeritus professor at UC-Berkeley’s Department of Ethnic Studies Carlos Munoz Jr. on racial harmony.
As battles rage across the country in school systems over sexual orientation policies, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) meeting put in their two cents worth with a late afternoon session on Saturday titled “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual , and Transgender Issues in Schools: The Changing Landscape in Legal and Practical Terms-Are You Ready?”
Today hundreds of children and their parents will gather on the south lawn of the White House to participate in the annual Easter Egg Roll. Across from the White House at Lafayette Park, however, a coalition of left-wing groups led by the Vineeta Foundation is hosting the “White House Cluster Bomb Hunt” where children will search for brightly colored balls and other objects that represent cluster bombs.