Catholicism was (almost) John F. Kennedy’s downfall in his campaign for president, according to Shaun Casey of the Wesley Theological Seminary, at a recent Center for American Progress (CAP) event.
According to Gustavo Coronel of Petroleumworld, who spoke at a recent American Enterprise Institute event, Hugo Chavez has had four objectives to define his career as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
“Define or be defined; he who wins that debate wins the argument,” said L. Brent Bozell III, founder and president of Media Research Center and nephew of William F. Buckley, Jr., at a Heritage Foundation event.
In a room with five educational experts discussing the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), opinions fly. But with a particular group of five experts at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI), one thought rang loudest—NCLB can work, but it will take some work.
Responding to a request given by President Obama for involvement, the House Republicans came up with the House Republican Economic Recovery Plan. It is their alternative to the stimulus package.
In the second episode of a Senate hearing about what can be learned from the Mumbai terrorist attacks, five senators and four witnesses discuss what has been done and what still needs to be done.
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) has a message he wants to “take…directly to the people.” At a recent Conservative Bloggers’ Briefing, Senator DeMint spoke about President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill that has just been passed in the House and will soon fight its way through the Senate.
Michael Cannon, the director of Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, does not believe in socialized medicine, and he thinks that the road President Barack Obama and his officials are about to take leads very close to that.