Articles by Heather Latham


Women’s Rights Rehabbed

A women’s rights activist wants addict mothers to follow the example of Amy Winehouse and avoid rehab.


Stimulus a Moral Hazard

Still in the shadows of an already-in-progress bailout plan and a yet-to-be-passed stimulus package, Congress seriously considers what to do to protect the fragile economy and help it grow again.


Higher Ed Ka-ching

The argument that higher education funding stimulates economic growth because more people are getting into the workplace and earning more money, thereby spending more money was kicked on January 14, 2009, at a Cato Institute event.


Secret Ballot at Risk

On January 13, 2009, former Congressman Ernest Istook spoke at the Conservative Bloggers Briefing about the mission of Save Our Secret Ballot.



Matt Miller repeatedly called himself a capitalist at a recent think-tank event, which he should understand the implications of, being an economist. However, he would have done better to argue that he is a capitalist who has converted to something else entirely.


True Grit?

Tony Blankley’s new book, American Grit, calls for a change. It is not the same change that is proposed by our new president, but it is change that he argues is necessary for the survival of our nation.