Articles by Jocelyn Grecko

Jocelyn Grecko is an intern at the American Journalism Center, a training program run by Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia. Jocelyn has spent the past four years in the nation’s capital as a Media Studies undergraduate student at The Catholic University of America. She will graduate in May 2012.

Financing Failure

In his recent book Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts, Vern McKinley points out that decisions made by big government have been the biggest force in the impending economic crisis.


Georgetown Strikes Out Twice

Students, faculty, and the administration at Georgetown University have missed two opportunities to fully embrace their Catholic identity— and we’re just talking this semester.


Antisemitism On Campus 2012

Schools such as Rutgers University and the University of California Berkley have had lawsuits filed against them due to hateful activity directed toward Jewish students and faculty that has ensued on their campuses.


Mind War Games

In his book, Battle for Our Minds: Western Elites and the Terror Threat, Michael Widlanski points out how political correctness is hindering the American battle against Islamic terror.


Inside View: Academic Profligacy

A veteran academic professional recently took the stage at a libertarian think tank to critique the profligacy of his former area of employment.


Condoleeza Rice Speaks Out

In her recent address at the Heritage Foundation, former Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice explained how the United States can act upon global events and must work to challenge authoritarian leadership.


Yes they can’t

No They Can’t: Why Government Fails but Individuals Succeed provides a look at why a free market matters in a free world.


Anatomy of an Anachronism

According to Charles Murray, W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, there in not enough conclusive evidence that the federal government plays a positive role in American education.


Education Reform in Idaho

According to Tom Luna, Idaho’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, his state “chose to act, instead of being acted upon” when it came to education.


History on the Docket

All eyes are watching and ready for the Supreme Court to take up Obamacare in Florida vs. the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) this week. So much is at stake as this landmark case has the power to either bring things back to the drawing board or cast aside what lies at the very core of America.


America from both sides

In his recent book, American Avatar, Barry A. Sanders, Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies at UCLA, explains how the United States’ image abroad is falsely represented in literature on global views of America.


White House Persecutes Christians

More women who apparently never got a call from the White House speak out on the latest health care regulation opposed by religious institutions which will be affected by it.