Articles by lindalynkakadelis_86

College Prep

Science Left Behind

Clearly, No Child Left Behind has caused schools to redouble their efforts to teach reading and math but at what cost?

College Prep

Animal House Advanced Placement

The seven-year plan of the frat boys in the film classic Animal House has become the reality for two-thirds of American college students.

College Prep

Where the Boys Are Not

The boy crisis in education has arrived, with boys lagging behind girls in all subjects, over-represented in special education, and posting significantly lower graduation rates.

College Prep

Vision Problems?

North Carolina politicians are not helping children see by requiring additional eye exams, they are thanking their supporters in the ocular industry.

College Prep

Grade Curve?

The great test scores that you have been hearing about may not be as impressive as the educational establishment wants you to think they are.

College Prep

Give Thanks.

As many of you will undoubtedly be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends tomorrow, I encourage you to reflect on the origins of this celebration.

College Prep

Report Card Woes

Did American public schools make the grade? The answer is an unsatisfying “not really.”

College Prep

Bonded School Failures

School bonds have become the sacred cows of referendums: Why would anyone vote to deny a child the right to attend a shiny new school?

College Prep

Church vs. State

Some public officials forget that the wall of separation between church and state is meant to protect the former from the latter.