Articles By: Malcolm A. Kline

Iraq Odyssey


“Maybe if our presidents had read The Iliad and The Odyssey, we wouldn’t be in Iraq.” John Sexton, president, New York University, Mike Morris, chairman and CEO, American Electric Power Company, Inc., July 19, 2011, The Atlantic forum on The New Work Era.

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Another Test Pattern


“Unfortunately, what we’re getting throughout America is kids who can’t do math with no speaking skills.”— Mike Morris, chairman and CEO, American Electric Power Company, Inc., July 19, 2011, The Atlantic forum on The New Work Era.

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Backlash Against Banzhaf


When George Washington University law professor John Banzhaff decided to sue Catholic University over its decision to bring back single-sex dorms, his lawsuit provoked a backlash against commentators who rather liked this return to tradition.

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A Real No-Brainer


The putative conservative at The New York Times urges conservatives in Congress to accept a budget deal offered by President Obama and the Democrats by citing elite opinion. That should be a red flag that the offer probably is a “no brainer,” although not in the way the cheerleading columnist utilizes the word.

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