Articles By: Malcolm A. Kline

A Chair for Bolton?


Georgetown has hired widely known lecturers with as much teaching experience as outgoing UN Ambassador John Bolton but they have mostly been former Democratic office holders or political appointees in Democratic presidential administrations.

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Bilingual Bedlam


Massachusetts and California have scrapped their bilingual education programs while in the state that President Bush governed not so long ago school officials cling tenaciously to their two-languages-for-the-price-of-one policy.

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Children Left Behind by NCLB


Although the controversy surrounding the Bush Administration’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program is usually portrayed as a classic clash of conservative and liberal political philosophies, dissatisfaction with NCLB is spreading across philosophical lines.

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Genteel Poverty in Academia


College and university administrators and their representatives seem to show up in Washington, D. C. with their hats in their hands as frequently as the capital city’s homeless do. Although the former group of supplicants seeks far greater sums than the latter crowd requests, the money seems to go just as fast.

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