Articles by mathewdstaver_99

College Prep

California School Gives Good News to Clubs

Following a lawsuit on behalf of the Good News Club, which is sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship, the Chico Unified School District repealed its policy under which the District charged higher facilities usage fees to religious groups than to secular groups. The higher fees eventually forced the Good News Clubs to stop meeting.

College Prep

Graduation Day Acknowledgments

Students and invited speakers do not shed their constitutional rights when they step up to the graduation podium. Expressing faith in God does not disqualify a student from delivering a graduation message.


Federal Judge Halts Course

On May 5 United States District Court Judge Alexander Williams, Jr. issued a temporary restraining order against the Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education, prohibiting it from implementing the recently adopted controversial health education curriculum.

College Prep

Extortion of Good News Club

School districts may not charge discriminatory fees to Christian groups for using school facilities just because they have a religious affiliation. Equal access under the First Amendment means equal treatment across the board.