New York—The Susan B. Anthony List held an event on the 90th anniversary of women’s right to vote entitled “A Conversation on Pro-Life Feminism,” which attracted a wide variety of feminism enthusiasts.
Articles By: Natalia Angulo
Visualize Regulation
AJC: George Mason Professor of Law, Todd Zywicki, spoke to an initially sanguine audience at the Blogger’s Briefing Tuesday on his glum fiscal findings.
Opinionated & Illiterate?
AJC: The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) documents the growth, or lack thereof, of civic literacy in higher education in its annual American Civic Literacy report.
Progressives Discover Bioethics
AJC: The Center for American Progress sponsored the event Progress in Bioethics to promote a stronger relationship between scientific innovation and politics on the grounds that bio-politics is the next frontier.