Articles by Sara Cummings

Sara Cummings is an intern at the American Journalism Center, a training program run by Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia.

“Rock” Group’s Rocky Research

Enraged by the supposed GOP “war on women,” 56-year-old mother of two Susan McMillan Emry  created “Rock the Slut Vote,” a website focused on uniting women like herself who feel hurt or angered by the GOP effort to “bully, subjugate and silence women.”


The Obama Hit List

Frank VanderSloot, CEO of Melaleuca, a successful home-products business, has recently been targeted as an enemy by the Obama administration for his generous donation to the Romney campaign.


Indefensible SUVs

The Heritage Foundation invited Army Reserve engineer Colonel Kerry Kachejian  to speak about his book, SUVs Suck in Combat, and his military service in Iraq.


Follow The Student

For years, school choice opponents have argued that when students leave public schools for private ones with the aid of vouchers, the public school loses money because the dollars spent follow the student.