Articles by Sarah Carlsruh


Turn Oil into Salt

James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA, presented insight into the two subjects that invariably define Saudi Arabia, religion and oil.


Exporting Oil and Ideology

An Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) Seminar was held September 10th, the eve of 9/11, dedicated to those that died that day. Sarah Stern, President of EMET, reminded attendees that, out of the fifteen terrorists involved in the attack, eleven were from Saudi Arabia. T


Illegal Immigrant Health Care

The new health care reform bill explicitly bans health care benefits for illegal immigrants, but it lacks a key component, which is some way to enforce it.



The Heritage Foundation recently hosted a book release for ConUNdrum: The Limits of the UN and the Search for Alternatives.


Bluegrass Blues

It turns out that not many parents in the Bluegrass state want their children to attend public school.


Beleaguered Students, Bankrupt Pensions

This week’s Bloggers Briefing, usually a conservative affair, addressed the interests of two typically liberal groups: college students and union workers.