Articles by Sheila Archambault


Spurning Waterboarding, Courting Disaster

AJC: The United States is in danger of another 9/11 attack, because the U.S. is no longer focused on capturing, detaining and interrogating the senior leaders of al-Quaida, a former White House senior staff member said at the Heritage Foundation.


Title IX & Sexual Harassment

AJC: Most commonly known for its athletic gender equity requirements, Title IX is becoming extremely relevant in sexual misconduct law suits on college campuses across the country, a paper by a law firm focusing on higher education said.


Rule of Law in Russia

The U.S. can no longer make distinctions between domestic and foreign policy, a lawyer said at a Cato Institute event focusing on the rule of law in Russia.


Why Campuses Are Blue

AJC: A key reason why few conservatives go into the teaching profession is that the job of a professor does not fit the image many conservatives have of themselves, two scholars argued.


Red Cross Rules of Engagement

AJC: In international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, there has been a large change—law is no longer based on practice, or what fighting countries actually do in wars, but it’s now based on what someone said in a speech, a professor said at an event put on by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.


Analysis of Obama’s National Defense Policy

AJC: The Obama Administration’s declinist vision of the country and “blame America first” policy has a negative impact on America’s standing in the world and is permeating into American national security policy, a U.S. Representative said at a Heritage Foundation event.


Another Third Way

AJC: There is a deep resistance in the Western world to take theology seriously, which is a mindset that must change, a theologian said at a Heritage Foundation lecture about the book, The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom.


India China Paradox

AJC: The main question should not be if India will economically catch up with China but if India should try to catch up with China, said a scholar at a Heritage Foundation event discussing India and China’s future and current position in the international political economy.


al Quaida Assessed

AJC: As the attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack proves, it is integral for the Obama Administration to address the vulnerabilities that continue to exist in the U.S.’s aviation, maritime and border systems, a former government official said.


Elites Connect Dots

AJC: When academics take over homeland security, the last thing they consider is…the security. A presidential administration laden with Ph.Ds is showing us the way. -ED