Articles by Spencer Irvine

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Brotherly Love @ MLA

Brotherly Love @ MLA

The recent Modern Language Association (MLA) held a session called, “Vulnerable Expression and the Arab Uprisings” to take a closer look at the post-Arab Spring world.


Syracuse Professor Studies Joni Mitchell

David Yaffe of Syracuse University headlined a sparsely-attended (eight people) panel discussion on “The Seventies in Black and White: A Soundtrack.“ Yaffe said that he and singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell “smoked a joint together” when he was interviewing her.


Women Study MOOCs

The panel, titled “MOOCs, Boutique Subjects, and Marginal Approaches,” featured five college professors who expressed fear for the future of their humanities departments and courses because of the introduction of MOOCs, mostly from a feminist perspective.


Professors Scared of MOOCs

When asked whether the college system was broken and what factors contributed to both programs and pay getting cut by their colleges, several professors reacted with strong opinions.


MOOCs under the Microscope

At the MLA session, “Online Innovations: From Distance Learning to MOOC Madness,” professors from Carnegie Mellon, Rochester and Utah addressed a myriad of concerns about MOOCs.


Common Core Besieged @ MLA

Gerald Graff, a professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, presented a defense of Common Core after author and educator Diane Ravitch strongly criticized the federal education curriculum.


Anti-War Movement Found @ MLA

Many have wondered what happened to the anti-war movement since President Bush left office. We think we found it, at the Modern Language Association (MLA).


MLA doing Iran’s Bidding

Although the title of a panel at the Modern Language Association indicated it would be a forum for dissident Iranian artists, the panelists made few claims that the dictatorship there might dispute.