Articles by Spencer Irvine

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Finding The Right Frequency

A little bit of broadcasting history which you are unlikely to get in a broadcast journalism class.


Obama a Conservative, Please!

News flash: Giving taxpayer funding to the rich is not any variation of conservative—fusion, libertarian, traditional or paleo.


Empire State Strikes Out

The debate over drilling for natural gas, which has been coined “fracking” by both opponents and supporters, has a new frontier. No, it is not Nebraska or other Midwestern locales, but in upstate New York.


It’s The People’s Money

The People’s Money: How Voters Will Balance the Budget and Eliminate the Federal Debt, is a refreshing take on how the American people, not the politicians, would change the current political discussion if they were empowered to do so.


Debacle: Hope & Change Betrayed

The book Debacle: Obama’s War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future quickly cuts to the chase and attacks the problems that are facing America.


Who’s Your Higher Power?

The book No Higher Power attempts to preview what the next four years will look like under an incumbent President Barack Hussein Obama.


Under FIRE

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education’s “Guide to Free Speech on Campus” is a welcome tool for any student or faculty member who is living in the ever-so tense and sensitive world of a college or university campus.


American Spirits

Ed Feulner and Brian Tracy’s book, The American Spirit, is a fundamental explanation of why America is one of the most unique nations in the world.


Hostile Takeover?

FreedomWorks president and CEO Matt Kibbe  continues to rail against the establishment in all parts of government, and especially within both the Republican and Democrat party ranks in his book Hostile Takeover .

Faculty Lounge

Pell Grants Not Helping Poor

Due in part to the current recession, this federal student aid program is one of the fastest-growing federal programs to date, but it has failed the poor students of America, the John William Pope Center for Higher Education found.


Why not the best?

John Howard’s book America’s Best Colleges, Really? is a must-read for any American who is concerned about the future of America.