Articles by Spencer Irvine

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Affirmative Action or Privilege?

Dr. Anthony Bradley, author of the new book Black and Tired: Essays on Race, Politics, Culture, and International Development, spoke at the Heritage Foundation about his research on the downward moral trend of black culture in America.


Hope & Change in Chile

In light of education reform and comments made by Education Secretary Arne Duncan, CATO Institute’s policy analysis on Chile’s private school voucher program is a great respite from the political battles encircling states across America.


CAP: ‘Mainstream’ No More?

The Center for American Progress (CAP) continues to buck its so-called “progressive” label with each report and analysis it publishes.


Student’s Rights SaVEd

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has put out a scathing report and analysis on the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (also known as “Campus SaVE”) Act that is up for consideration in both chambers of Congress.


Left-leaning Lecture Halls

Universities like to think of their lecture series as extensions of the education that students get in their classrooms. Unfortunately, they usually are.


No Waiver Left Behind

The granting of waivers seems to favor states that have voted for the current administration in the last election, at least for the past decade.


No Deficit Left Behind

The curriculum of No Child Left Behind  and Race to the Top are eerily similar, and have the same result: government vagueness that leaves much to the imagination of applicants for federal funds.


Inside The Ivory Cocoon

David Rubinstein, a retired University of Illinois at Chicago sociology professor wrote an article which originally appeared in The Weekly Standard that sarcastically thanked Illinois taxpayers for their contribution to his well-funded “cushy life.”


Re CAP & Review

Throughout last week, this writer studied the education policy studies put out by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and by a variety of authors and writers from different educational fields and expertise.


CAP Learns from the Past

William Slotnik authored the Center for American Progress (CAP) report, titled “Levers for Change: Pathways for State-to-District Assistance in Underperforming School Districts,” that details how states and districts should interact to save struggling public schools and avoid the problems of past interventions.


Education Funding v. Reform

Jessica Quillin’s report, sponsored by the Center for American Progress (CAP), details the struggles of the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program in light of the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).