Award-winning Teachers Confront Betsy DeVos

Although the encounter was far more civil than most college meet-ups. “DeVos met privately with more than 50 teachers who had been named 2018 teachers of the year in their states,” Rebecca Klein reported on The Huffington Post. “As part of the discussion, teachers were asked to describe some of the obstacles they face at their jobs and were given the opportunity to ask the education secretary questions.”
“Jon Hazell, Oklahoma’s teacher of the year, told DeVos that school choice policies are draining traditional public schools of resources in his state.” Klein went on to report that “Brian McDaniel, California’s teacher of the year, confirmed Hazell’s version of events.”
Nevertheless, Klein reported that “Overall, both Hazell and McDaniel said, DeVos was a friendly, attentive listener who was respectful of the teachers’ opinions. They said teachers also remained respectful in their critiques. However, both said they left the meeting immensely disappointed.”