College Prep

College Prep

Utahans Choose Better Schools

After much controversy, Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. signed legislation, the “Parent Choice in Education Program” (PCEP) that now provides every family in the state the right to choose their child’s school.

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College Prep

Lavender Textbooks

California State Senator Sheila Kuehl has introduced legislation that will ban textbooks and teachers from any instruction that “reflects adversely” upon homosexuality, transgenders, bisexuals or those with perceived gender issues.

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College Prep

California Dream Textbooks

One reason to keep an eye on what is in textbooks used by students in California’s public schools is that what is passed on by the state’s education authorities to a large degree determines what can go in courses in the rest of the country. That could also be a cause of alarm.

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College Prep

Title IX High

Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate last Wednesday that would require high schools to report the number of male and female students participating in high school athletics and the money spent on each team.

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