College Prep

College Prep

G Factor Blues

Last week, Charles Murray, author of the controversial 1994 book, The Bell Curve, opined on the pages of the Wall Street Journal on the topic of IQ and education.

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College Prep

Subtraction California Style

California employs people to expose waste and fraud but, unfortunately, agencies such as the California Department of Education (CDE) sometimes prefer to fire and demote these workers rather than heed their warnings.

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College Prep

NCLB Birthday Bashed

Five can be a difficult birthday. Just ask the architects of President Bush’s landmark federal law, No Child Left Behind, which turned five on January 8th.

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College Prep

Public Education Gifts

If you are a student in the Montgomery County school system the chances are you are the recipient of a talented and gifted (TAG) label that places you in the crème de la crème of the student population.

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