Faculty Lounge

Faculty Lounge

Stagnation Analysis

Drawing on data from the U. S. Department of Education, Matthew Ladner of The Friedman Foundation found that reading scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) went from 285 in 1971 to 286 in 2008.

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Faculty Lounge

Subsidiarity Due For Comeback

The Catholic principle of subsidiarity, whereby that level of government closest to the problem is the one best-equipped to deal with it, may be viewed as quaint but in public education, its inverse could be seen as disastrous.

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Yes We Can Indoctrinate

Education establishment types frequently accuse traditionalists of overkill when they claim that higher education really seeks to indoctrinate even when its denizens pretty much admit that is what they do.

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Missing Boat On Diversity

The latest issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education features a supplement on Diversity In Academe that, like the industry it covers, gives a superficial treatment of the concept, at best.

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Education’s Federal Achilles Heel

In the last presidential debate, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney went out of his way to declare his resistance to federal intrusion in education. It remains to be see whether he can retain that resistance should he win the top political job.

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