Faculty Lounge

Faculty Lounge

Visible Bankruptcies, Invisible Jobs

For those college students hoping for the “green jobs” their universities tell them about, film producer Ann McElhinney has compiled a list of green companies that have gone bankrupt, with an asterisk denoting those which have received taxpayer funding.

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Faculty Lounge

Education Not Spelled J-O-B-S

Doubtless the president’s amen corner in academia loved it when he answered a debate question on jobs with a dissertation on education. Yet while academics may have stomped and whistled, those unenlightened folk outside the faculty lounge might be forgiven if they find the First Answer clueless.

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Faculty Lounge

Won’t Back Down Opens

“Won’t Back Down” has already had previews at the Republican and Democratic conventions and was “well-received in both places,” the film’s producer Chris Flaherty said at the blogger’s briefing at the Heritage Foundation on September 25, 2012.

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