Faculty Lounge

Faculty Lounge

Best-Laid Plans Backfire

Academics salivate at the chance to put their pet theories into practice but when they actually are able to, they’re usually the last ones to recognize the unintended consequences of their schemes.

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Faculty Lounge

The Sociology of 9-11

Then there are those professors who take the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States to vent their spleen about all that they see wanting in the U. S.

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Faculty Lounge

Worthy of Note

Washington Examiner columnist Noemie Emery, who writes some of the most thoughtful think pieces around, offered an interesting commentary on what cerebral folks like to call the Zeitgeist—loosely translated as spirit of the times.

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Faculty Lounge

Sanity Alert

Although its denizens and proprietors like to think of it as a bastion of reason, outsiders trying to wrest information out of the Ivory Tower, such as your servants at Accuracy in Academia, have rarely found it to be. It turns out that some who have worked within it feel roughly the same way.

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