

Blasphemy Day Targets Christians

Billed as a free speech event designed to oppose such things as a Muslim-sponsored U.N. resolution banning criticism of religion, the day has drawn the support of people like PZ Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota.

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Prayer At the Pole

Today millions of students are celebrating the twentieth annual “See You at the Pole” (“SYATP”) event, where students gather to pray for their school, their community and America.

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Constitution Day Contempt Case

Tomorrow, Liberty Counsel will be in federal District Court in Pensacola representing the Principal of Pace High School, Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman as they face criminal contempt charges for a prayer over a meal. Ironically, tomorrow is National Constitution Day.

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Tenured Person of Interest

The sub-headline over the article says it all: “The investigation into a cop killing in the ’70s leads to a law professor who helped launch Barack Obama’s political career.”

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Decent folks across the nation have been continuously shocked by the exposes against abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood orchestrated by young pro-life champions such as Lila Rose.

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