

Lawsuit 101

Today’s college grads have a tough road ahead, and at least one jobless grad has decided to place the blame exactly where she thinks it belongs.

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Hollywood Hates America

Conservatives are a rarity in Hollywood, but director and producer Jack Marino is proud to be giving them a voice in the industry. Marino’s feature film Forgotten Heroes salutes the veterans of the Vietnam War and shows how the involvement of the Soviet Union impacted the conflict.

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Intolerant University of Iowa

With all the news about discrimination, some of the most egregious forms of bias regularly escape scrutiny. One of them is the persistent
discrimination conservative academics suffer at the hands of liberal state universities.

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Shariah’s Threat to America

A noted author who spent the first 30 years of her life living under Shariah law in the Middle East takes a dim view of the manner in which one of the largest school systems in the country—namely California’s—explains it to students.

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