On a panel promoting pre-Kindergarten programs at a conference recently in Austin, Texas, a pair of government officials–one local, one…
Read the articleThis SXSWedu session’s description sums up the matter: “What if job performance was measured by a year-end test aiming to…
Read the articleFor higher education administrators, affirmative action remains a topic of concern. In Fisher v. The University of Texas at Austin,…
Read the articleWhen it becomes successful in their own backyards, even die-hard liberals support school choice. “I support [means-tested, not universal] vouchers,…
Read the articleBefore professors everywhere seize upon the Baltimore riots as a “teachable moment,” we’d like to offer a few simple pieces…
Read the articleToday, at the Heritage Foundation, 14 people from various walks of M. Stanton Evans’ life gathered to honor him. To…
Read the articleOur dear friend M. Stanton Evans has passed away. He was a great mentor, friend, and conservative figure, not to mention a…
Read the articleAt least one economist gets off campus frequently enough to see what the real economy looks like and, naturally, he’s…
Read the articleNostalgia is overrated, a Harvard psychologist says. “The bad-dominates-good phenomenon is multiplied by a second source of bias, sometimes called…
Read the articleCharter school growth has exploded over the last two decades and so have the waiting lists to get in them….
Read the articlePell grants are a lifeline for many American students, costing billions of taxpayer dollars, but what do we have to…
Read the articleWhile the Obama Administration hatched a plan to make community college free, the White House plotted a change in the…
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