

Stuck in the Middle

If you don’t graduate from college you are a failure; if you don’t go to college you are a failure; if you fail to complete high school you are a failure. Why?

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Planned Parenthood Slush Fund

One of the biggest programs that pumps your taxes to Planned Parenthood is Title X of the Public Health Service Act which underwrites birth control clinics and helps to expand Planned Parenthood’s access to teenagers, whose patronage it needs by the hundreds of thousands.

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Abortionist Caught On Tape

Dr. Tiller, who currently faces 19 criminal charges for illegal late-term abortions in the state of Kansas, stated “If the baby is born alive, that is sloppy medicine” after addressing the crowd of about 100 feminists.

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Harvard history of discrimination

Given Harvard’s history of discrimination against Catholics, Jews, and Gays, it is surprising that the privately funded university on the Charles would open itself to more cries of foul by providing Muslim women private time at a gymnasium, thus excluding dues-paying male members.

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Educational GIVEaway

This week the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on H.R. 2857, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, more creatively known as the GIVE Act.

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Many Are the Crimes

Although the strict text of the U.S. Constitution includes the treaty clause as the only means by which the U.S. can enter into such international agreements, there’s a growing body of mostly liberal-left “legal opinion” that holds that “congressional-executive agreements” like NAFTA can serve as substitutes for treaties.

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HBCUs Fail Title IX

Compliance with Title IX which can even be a struggle for some of the larger colleges and universities in the country is a particular problem for the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) according to a new study released this week by the College Sports Council .

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