A Rhode Island student recently related his experience in a social work program and garnered national attention. Sandra Fuiten faced similar problems while studying in the Midwest.
Read the articleOnce again, Accuracy in Academia covers a case of academic freedom denied that the AAUP ignores.
Read the articlePaul Krugman is a columnist who never passes up an opportunity to throw jabs at those Americans whom he dislikes, a set that comprises anyone who doesn’t accept his big-government philosophy.
Read the articleBucknell Women’s Resource Center director Molly Dragiewicz was offered the chance to co-sponsor a speech by American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers. Dragiewicz responded by smearing Sommers as “opposed to gender equity” and lacking in “intellectual integrity.”
Read the articleLast week UCLA’s Muslim Student Association and United Arab Society sponsored their annual “Justice for Palestine Week,” a four-day anti-Israel lecture series and poster exhibit.
Read the articleThe elevation of Pope Benedict XVI to the Papal Suite at the Vatican might give some of America’s Catholic colleges and universities the chance to be more than Catholic in Name Only.
Read the articleWhen college administrators and professors warn of the dangers of censorship by the political right in higher education, they have half the story right.
Read the articleThere is little doubt that Title IX has led to the explosive growth of women’s sports programs, but at what cost?
Read the articleIf I made one mistake, it was that I was too cooperative and waited too long to go on the offensive.
Read the articleAlthough Columbia University administrators claim that a committee appointed by its president cleared the school of charges of an anti-Israel bias that borders on anti-Semitism, their feeling of exoneration may be a bit premature.
Read the articleJamesville-DeWitt High School
administrators have decided to permit the left wing group “Peace Council” to protest military recruiters at Career Day.
A student who has taken classes by a professor we wrote about three months ago has taken issue with our coverage of a professor at the University of Tennessee. That student’s response follows.
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