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Change & High Hopes

Newt Gingrich was the first speaker at the Saturday session of the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Defending the American Dream Summit on October 3, 2009.

“People voted for change they could believe in, and found they’d elected someone who wanted to change what they believe in,” he quoted columnist Jackie Gershwin as stating  in a transparent reference to President Obama.  “He is trying to pass legislation so far to the left that you could not allow the American people to read it,” Gingrich said.

He expressed his delight at President Obama’s frequent talk show appearances, saying that Obama’s “stark” arguments on behalf of his far leftist agenda are waking America up to reality.  “Good advertising kills a bad product quickly,” Gingrich said, claiming that the President’s vast amount of media coverage is great for the conservative movement because it helps Americans realize how far left he truly is.  “Bowing to a Saudi King is not an energy policy,” Gingrich asserted to thunderous applause (emphasis in original).

Allie Winegar Duzett is an intern at the American Journalism Center [1], a training program run by Accuracy in Media [2] and Accuracy in Academia [3].

*Blog entries by interns reflect their personal opinions only and not that of Accuracy and Academia.

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