College Prep

High Tech Illiteracy


At the same time that American students are becoming more and more technologically adept, they are increasingly less and less likely to possess rudimentary capabilities, data from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) indicates.

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Conflict of Interest


The 2007 NEA Convention, held June 30 through July 5 in Philadelphia, PA, highlighted many social and political considerations ranging from gay rights to global warming to amnesty, but opposed school choice or tax credits for home-schooling parents.

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Reading Between The ACTs


The new ACT 2007 College Readiness Report, released August 15, congratulates American educators once again for improving student scores “on all four subject-area tests: English, mathematics, reading and science” but a closer examination of the data reveals that of the approximately 1.3 million students took the curriculum-based, national ACT college placement exam this year, average scores have been increasing incrementally within each subject.

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