College Prep

Churchill Not Relevant Enough


Sir Winston Churchill may have been voted the best Briton ever, but if a national curriculum proposal is approved the former Prime Minister will be relegated to the dust bin of history as he will be removed from a list of figures that secondary school children must learn about in Great Britain.

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Sex Miseducation


The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has released a report on how a number of “comprehensive” sexual education (CSE) programs being promoted to our youth are heavy on sex and light on education.

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Califonria Teachers Union Fails Students


California Teachers Association (CTA) president Barbara Kerr says that her powerful union opposes second-grade testing so that “teachers have the time to help our youngest students achieve the knowledge and skills required to meet the state’s rigorous academic content standards — instead of wasting time preparing children for age-inappropriate tests.” Yet, the effective practices of high-performing schools and the bulk of empirical research show that testing young students is exactly what ensures their acquisition of standards-based knowledge and skills.

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UK Tug of PeaCe


For once there is good news on the battle to fight political correctness in Great Britain thanks to an infusion of nearly 3 million dollars into British Schools to encourage all school age children to exercise.

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Boys Are In Trouble


“Boys are in trouble,” said Krista Kafer, visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum. “The facts are quite clear; boys trail girls in most indicators of academic excellence such as, school engagement, achievement scores, and graduation rates at secondary and postsecondary levels.”

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