College Prep

Education Orientation


As battles rage across the country in school systems over sexual orientation policies, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) meeting put in their two cents worth with a late afternoon session on Saturday titled “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual , and Transgender Issues in Schools: The Changing Landscape in Legal and Practical Terms-Are You Ready?”

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School Gag Order Lifted


Three years ago during the homosexual Day of Silence, a Christian high school student in Poway, Chase Harper, decided to wear a t-shirt stating: “I will not accept what God has condemned” and “Homosexuality is shameful. Romans 1:27.” When Harper refused school administrators’ demands to remove his t-shirt, he was suspended from school.

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Collectively Bargaining Away Education


Getting Down to Facts does deal with the key question of teacher quality. The massive report, released by Stanford researchers on March 14-15, the most thorough to date on California education, addresses two significant factors that contribute to the difficulty in developing a highly qualified workforce in California’s schools.

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