College Prep

Constitution Day


In recognition of Constitution Day on September 17, The Rutherford Institute is calling on all Americans to read the document that one historian described as “the owners’ manual to the greatest form of government the world has ever known.”

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Back to PC School


Under the guise of improving the learning environment, local schools might be offering more of the same social experimentation that already leads to less literacy and more juvenile delinquency in public school classrooms year after year.

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Luck Be A Lady


Hold on to your wallets: Lady Luck will soon be tempting the self-restraint of North Carolinians around the state. Legislation creating a state lottery passed on Tuesday, and was quickly signed into law by Governor Easley yesterday.

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Sex Education Final Exam?


Until Hurricane Katrina came and temporarily knocked Natalee Holloway, Cindy Sheehan and Judge John Roberts off the radar, one of the big shockers was that Timken High School in Canton, Ohio had a wee bit of a problem. Out of 490 female students, 65 are pregnant.

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