Colonel Allen West Talks to AIM About Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement is a tool used by the left to maintain their “…90 percent plus hold on the black political electorate,” according to Colonel Allen West.
“I think that their whole existence is just a liberal progressive socialist movement to make sure that they keep the black community on the 21st century economic plantation that’s been created by the left.”
While the organization purports to protest societal discrimination and violence against black Americans, Colonel West exposed the movement’s hypocrisy by noting its profound silence on a multitude of issues wreaking havoc in black communities.
“If it really was about black lives mattering, then they would be in Chicago, they would be at many of the inner cities, they would be talking about better education opportunities, they would be talking about the fact that since Roe versus Wade there have been 13 to 15 million black children who have lost their lives, been killed.”
Colonel West also said that Black Lives Matter ignores other significant problems including the demise of the black family unit and the necessity of a strong economy to support business opportunities for black citizens.
In his estimation, Black Lives Matter’s politically motivated determination of which lives matter and its complete failure to discuss crucial issues delegitimize the organization.
Employing an expression popularized by Vladimir Lenin, Colonel West identifies Black Lives Matter protestors as “useful idiots,” describing an activist involved in a recent incident as “…nothing more than a progressive socialist political pawn in an insidious game of distracting the black community from the failures of progressive socialism and its horrific adverse effects.”
When asked what person or group is pulling the strings to manipulate these “useful idiots,” he advised, “…follow the money…it’s coming from the far left progressive movement.”
James Simpson did just that in AIM’s report, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter.” The report includes details about the complex web of organizations involved in funding Black Lives Matter.
Colonel West believes that while the left’s protest movements change their name and shift their focus over time, they remain fundamentally the same: He avers that Black Lives Matter is “…another iteration of what we saw with Occupy Wall Street and it’ll morph itself into something else in the next political cycle.”
Alex Nitzberg is an intern at the American Journalism Center at Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.