Lila Rose, President of Live Action and student at UCLA, continues to prove why she’s an excellent selection for next month’s Gerard Health Life Awards. This week, Rose released the second in a series of incriminating videos against Indiana’s Planned Parenthood clinics.
Posing as a 13-year-old girl, Lila tells an Indianapolis clinic worker that she was impregnated by a 31-year-old man. Two clinic workers were caught on tape stating that they “don’t care” about the age difference, despite the state law requiring that they report statutory rape and sexual abuse. “The surrounding states don’t have parental consent,” one employee says quietly. “I can’t tell you anymore.”
The video is a serious blow to an already embattled Planned Parenthood in Indiana, where a Bloomington clinic worker was recorded encouraging an actress to lie about her boyfriend’s age. She was fired by the clinic’s management, but Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter promised a thorough probe.
Lila says she has plenty of other videos documenting “the pattern of law-breaking within Planned Parenthood.”
Tony Perkins heads the Family Research Council. This article is excerpted from the Washington Update that he compiles for the FRC.