Elementary school vice principal e-mails parents about social justice classes for students

The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area is hardly a bedrock of moderate and independent politics, and recent moves within the area’s schools and school districts highlight the Left’s drive to indoctrinate children.
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), located north of the capital, boast an enrollment of 160,00 students and 31 high schools within its system, but it has become increasingly left-wing in its curriculum and response to domestic issues. For example, Montgomery County is one of the most liberal and left-leaning counties in the state of Maryland and it has not elected a Republican county executive since 1978; a period of forty-two years.
At Ashburton Elementary School, assistant principal Monique Reese sent an e-mail to elementary school students’ parents about “social-emotional learning” classes, which include a “Psycho-Education Lesson” from the school system’s well-being initiative. Two of the schools’ counselors, and the school psychologist, “will be leading these lessons in conjunction with the classroom teachers.” The curriculum for the classes, slated to take place between September 9-September 18, “will be springboard into a variety of topics…including coronavirus, social justice and racism, recognizing feelings and emotions, coping with emotions, and accessing trusted adults.”
The school acknowledged that it will not record the livestreamed classes, but it will record the content on the school’s online dashboard. The vice principal’s e-mail said that the school’s “Well-Being Team” worked the past several weeks to “ensure all students and families are supported while reducing barriers to learning” with an emphasis on “attendance and social-emotional learning.”
The elementary school is located in Bethesda, Maryland, a wealthy suburb of the nation’s capital, and is currently conducting online-only courses for the fall 2020 semester due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This is not the first time that MCPS has made the news with its left-wing bent. We have previously covered MCPS’s celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community when it hosted and livestreamed a virtual town hall on a new pilot program meant to indoctrinate high school students on LGBTQIA+ history.