
Beware of Bipartisanship


Even at the collegiate level, it is a good idea to look carefully at proposals that are “bipartisan,” such as the proposed increase in student fees at George Washington University here that students there recently rejected in an online vote that both the College Democrats and College Republicans supported.

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Intro to Public Diplomacy


As foreign policy becomes increasingly complicated in the Middle East, the lack of a public diplomacy strategy by the U. S. State Department becomes problematic, Michael Waller, the author of The Public Diplomacy Reader, told the crowd in a recent appearance at the Heritage Foundation.

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The Family in Crisis


There is no doubt that the ideas expressed by authors Dr. Allan C. Carlson and Mr. Paul T. Mero at The Heritage Foundation’s Lehrman Auditorium on Friday, September 7, 2007, could not have come at a more appropriate time in history of this country, when there is an absolute need for fundamental changes in the structure of the American family.

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Sex-Ed Favors Gays


The University of Utah’s College of Health and Family and Consumer Sciences in the Social and Behavioral Sciences College
is offering a new course in the spring titled Human Sexuality to educate students about the emotional, physical and social components of sexuality.

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